1. Welcome ToNew York

2. BlankSpace空格

3. Style型

4. Out Of TheWoods脱离困境

5. All YouHad To Do Was Stay只要你留下

6. Shake ItOff通通甩掉

7. I Wish YouWould但愿你会

8. Bad Blood敌对

9. WildestDreams野梦

10. How YouGet The Girl

11. This Love这份爱

12. I KnowPlaces藏身之地

13. Clean释怀

14. Wonderland仙境

15. You Are InLove你已坠入爱河

16. NewRomantics新浪漫主义


18《Say Dont Go》

19《Now That We Dont Talk》

20《Suburban Legends》

21《Is It Over Now?》
